Beauty Therapy BB

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Unit 2 : A&p of finger nails, nail type ( Dry and dehyrated), Nail dieases & disorders

Dry (ACTIONS)-wear gloves when exposed to detergents and chemical-wear gloves or use rich cream during cold weather-intake of fat-soluble vitamins-use non acetone to prevent drying nails-gentle buffing

Dehydrated (causes)-extremely dry and brittle-dull in apearance-flaky and peeling-may be discoloured-draggin feeling to the touch

Nail diseases and disorder

-Onchorrhexis (Split /brittle nails)Actions : Regular manicurekeep nails shorthot oil and paraffin wax manicuregood dietuse cuticle oil or strengthener

Causes:exposed to weather conditions, harsh chemical or productsabusive nails, incorrect fillingcalcium or vitamin a and d deficiency

-Corrugation ( Longitudinal ridges)Actions: Regular manicure buffing may help use specially ridge fillers

-Onychocryptoses (Ingrown nails) Causes: Incorrect cutting of nails, too deep into corners pressure from tight shoes bad manicure

-Beau's lines (Growth arrest) Actions: Buffing may help use ridge fillers and matrix stimulation

Unit 3 : Manicure's purpose , products and, 21,27 and 39

Cuticle removal-contains 2-5% of the active ingredient sodium or potassium hydroxide.
cuticle knife (cuticle pusher)-Blade must be kept well all the time and held at 45 degrees to prevent scratching the surface of the nail plate-Used to remove excess cuticle adhering to the nail plate
Shapping the nails-do not saw as this disturbs the nail layers causing split nails and damage to the matrix due to racking movements
Manicure treatments-never cut live tissues as this promotes and overgrowth of cuticle tissue.

Unit 14 : Paraffin wax treatments
Methods of PW-Immersionthe hand or foot may be dipped into the pw bathnot recommended because it is not hygienic
-Dipping into gauzedip gauze into the pw and wrap the gauze around the client's hand or foot before covering with plastic
-Filling a plastic bagpartially fill a plastic bag with pw and insert the client's hand or foot into the plastic bag with paraffinwrap the plastic bag with towel
Benefits to.hangnailsblue nailspterygium unguisonchatrophiaonychorrhexis

Unit 5 : Pg 40

unit 10 : A&P of the hand
Bones of the handCarpals bone = wrist bone = 8Metacarpals = plam = 5Phalanges = finger bones = 14
Bones of the forearm
Humerus = upper arm = 1
Ulna = lower arm = 1
Radius = lower arm = 1

Muscles of the handFlexors
- bendExtensors
- straightensAbductors
- pull awayAdductors
- pull towards

Unit 11 : A&P of the foot
Bones of the foot
Tarsals = ankle = 7
Metatarsals = toes = 5
Phalanges = toes = 14

Bones of the leg and lower leg
Femur = upper thigh
Patella = knee cap
Tibia = lower leg
Fibula = lower leg

Unit 12 :Benefits and contraindications to H&F massage
Benefits-increase blood circulation
-promote relaxation
-improve skin texture and skin function
-reduce signs of aging
-remove dead skin cells
-improve lymphatic circulation

-recent fracture
-broken skin
-skin disorders

Unit 16 : Pg 85 Procedure for Paraffin wax

*AandP : anatomy and physiology
* credit t chienmay


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